Write Early?

Life is busy.
Writing takes time.
I found the best place to acquire time was to steal it from sleeping me
...bah, she wasn't really using it anyway. 
It was from M.G. Leonard of Beetleboy et al in her four brilliant mini podcasts that I first heard the idea. It was a lighting bolt moment for me.
It has taken some time... and a few tricks... to get it to work, but now I swear by it.

So, here are my tips for waking up early to write: 

1. Set alarm for 10minutes earlier then when you want to be sat down writing.
(Allows for time to put clothes on, wee, make a cup of tea and get comfy, ready to write at your planned time. For me thats 5am)
2. Put your alarm over the other side of the room.
(This is even more effective if you have children, I launch out of bed at the first peep of an alarm)
3. Put warm clothes by your alarm clock.
(If your clothes are over there, it is just as easy to start pulling them on as it is to get back to bed, well, easier in fact, because they are right there.)
4. For phone alarms set an inspiring alarm message. For wind ups...post it note?
(I have Stephen King's "Tell the goddamn story" comes up every morning and never fails to get me moving.)
5. Reward yourself.
(If I am writing by 5:00 I am allowed a rich tea with my cuppa...oh yes, works every time.)

Hidden advantages of working at this time:

  • The sense of achievement keeps me buoyant through even the most trying times in the rest of the day. ..I have worked towards my dream that day.
  • My brain is sharpest at that time...it does amazing things that rest-of-the-day-brain would never think of doing.
  • Because most of the world is sleeping, there is no one to disturb you in real life, on the phone or social media.

So, if you are struggling to find regular time to get to your writing desk and meet the muse, I hope this might help you.

Until next time,


Inkyscribe x
