Take a Break!

When you reach a natural end or if things get too ickity stickity with your writing project...

Take a break. 

I am not going to say have a Kit Kat, because I am 100% anti-Nestle ...But have fun!

Reasons to do take my wise advice:
1. For your sanity.
2. To top up your creative input
3. To get distance and perspective on your work.
4. To spend time with the people that you love.

Just the other day I came to the end of a HUGE edit on my novel and it just happens to fall two days before the first festival of the season!

I have done everything I can think to do for my work and am happy to step away from my computer and drafting board for 3 days. Of course I will be armed with my notebook and sketchbook (I always get my best idea's watching live music), but the headspace is what I am after.

I know that I will be working hard again soon, I am just allowing my brain some breathing time.

I don't know where I heard it first, but; think of your brain as a jar full of creative ideas, you can't just keep taking from it...one day it will run empty!!! 


You need to top that bad boy up. So, whether it is a morning, afternoon, night, day, weekend or week off. Whether you a visit to an art gallery or exhibition, walk through the woods, go to the seaside, watch live music, theme park ride, bbq with friends, do a cinema trip, duvet day with old movies, new movies, tv series, books or magazines. 

Whatever it is, don't forget to take a break and top your brain up every now and then!

Have fun lovelies!

Until next Thursday,


The Inkyscribe x
