On Writing

This week I have a very quick and easy tip to make your writing a million times better in one easy go:

Read 'On Writing' by Stephen King

... or listen to it on audiobook (he reads it himself and does an amazing job of it). I do a mixture of both, I have one well thumbed copy filled with pencil mark-ups and the audiobook is a constant resident of my i-pod; always there to listen to whenever I need help (or a kick up the bum).

I cannot believe how long I was trying to write before I found this book and how much it instantly improved my work. I am hoping this blog post will help others discover it faster then me. 

I often find it in charity shops, I always buy it to give to friends who are writing or you can get it on www.abebooks.co.uk for a couple of quid.

No matter who you write for, what stage you are at, what genre, I really think this is the best book 'On Writing'... see what I did there :) 

I will leave you with a quote from the book that never stops motivating me:

If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: 

read a lot and write a lot.

Until next week,


The Inkyscribe x
