I keep a writing calendar.
The calendar started out as lots of other things, tick sheets, word count lists, sticker charts. But over time it has morphed into what you see before you.
My writing calendar does lots of things:
-It makes me accountable
(Can you spot the cross of shame on my 'no writing' day?)
-Gives rewards
(I give myself a sticker for every day I cross into another thousand on a first draft)
-Records notable dates
(Draft start and finish dates)
-Rough idea of time put in
(I round the hours up and down to half hours or quarter hours, gets too fiddly otherwise)
-Get's rid of those 'What have I been doing?' moments
(Good to know I have been submitting or restructuring when either a draft isn't moving on or word count isn't going up)
I find that with the help of multicoloured sharpies (💜LOVE SHARPIES💜) and stickers pilfered from my little one's art box, I can keep motivated and feeling like I am moving forwards...which can be especially helpful when I am adrift in the middle of a redraft.
Thought it might help to share my main motivation tool, incase it seems like something that would work for other people.
So, that's my bite-sized writing tip of the week.
Until next Thursday lovely writers,
The Inkyscribe x
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