Archplot Structure

Hello, so, at some point or another, we all have to think about structure.

And even if you don't want a traditional structure to your book, I find understanding the rules helps you break them better.

I've read books on it and they can give you so much detail your brain wants to explode...

To stop all of your brains exploding, I thought I would share this amazing chart I found one day bobbing in the ocean of information that is the world wide web. 

I have it printed up A3 and pinned next to my desk. As I plot at the beginning and again at various middles and redrafts, this helps me keep my structure in place. 

I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

Next week I plan to put a bite-sized blog on plotting and you will see how I use this.

Until next week,


The Inkyscribe x 

p.s. an amazing podcast on structure breakdowns is:  
-The Hero’s Journey is a monthly podcast examining classic and contemporary books and films through the lens of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Hosted by author Jeff Garvin (Symptoms of Being Human) and book blogger Dan Zarzana (
