Read Aloud

Hello, Happy Thursday!

So, you think your manuscript is ready to send off?

If you think that, it must be pretty close.

Ready to hit send on your submission to your dream agent?


Before you do that just try this:

Swap your font to something completely different.


Now, embark on one last read through. But this time, read it aloud.

Put a spot of gusto into it and your eyes and ears, combined, will pick up on so much stuff you didn't notice before.

It wont be perfect, super shiny, ready for a publishing house to press print. But it will be better then it was before :)

Also, as I mentioned to some friends on Facebook recently: This is the healthiest of all the edits, because I haven't yet worked out a way to drink tea and eat biscuits whilst reading aloud.

Give it a try, I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.

Until next Thursday,


The Inkyscribe x
