The Day Job

(Cheesy picture of me in my super-smart-work-wear posing for a 
365 photo in front of a student's work)

We writers have to earn money... sad but true fact.

Many of us have day jobs to support our dirty writing habits :) 

I am a part time art technician at a college, a free-lance artist, a mother and a writer...
...keeps me out of mischief ;) 

Something the lovely agent Becky Bagnell said at a talk really shines in my brain and never fails to keep me chipper about my life-juggling in tough times. 

At a talk I attended she mentioned that she always tells her authors (I can't remember exact words, but something like this):

Having a job alongside writing is a good thing, it supports your writing and shouldn't be seen as an obstacle. 

I have built onto this with some other practical things to thank our day jobs for:

-Time getting to and from work is time to think over our stories. (Lunch breaks and loo trips too!)
- The human contact keeps us from turning into actual, real-life hermits. 
-I don't use too many computers in my work, so it reduces my chances of RSI.
-Helps with time management.
-Seriously reduces procrastination time.
-Stops me getting story-blind. (The time away helps me see the story with fresh eyes.)

So, next time you are feeling a little frazzled, remember that the day jobs are a help and not a hindrance.

Until next Thursday lovely writers,


The Inkyscribe x
