Colour mood

Happy Thursday!

This bite-sized blog is a small and sneaky tip that I got from a friend.

I have been putting my work out on submission for a long time. From 4 picture books (written and illustrated), a middle grade story, several short stories and finally I am now researching agents for a new round of submissions for my YA novel.

Along the journey I have racked up a healthy amount of rejection letters. In my haste to set up a spread sheet to monitor them, I coloured my 'submissions awaiting reply' in green and those 'rejected' in red. 

I showed the list to a friend and told her how rubbish it made me feel every time I opened the excel file. My friend, in all her wonderful wisdom pointed out that I had chosen the WORST colours for my spreadsheet.

Red was so harsh!



Being turned down by an agent is not REJECTED, but them saying 'this project is not for me at this time'.

So a few clicks of the mouse and I changed my rejected to soft purple and my awaiting reply are now soft turquoise. YAY!

I now feel much better about looking at the list as I am adding names to the newly submitted section!

If you get a mo, look how changing colour schemes might help you.

Until next Thursday,


The Inkyscribe x

p.s. I use the same tip for the word count bar on Scrivener.
